The Mattress

The topper


Hi, nice tomatt you

Het aanpasbare matras - Matt Sleeps

The best rated mattress

Beste product van het jaar

One mattress.

Six firmness options.

Yes. This is the real deal. The one and only adjustable mattress, designed for everybody. For all shapes, sizes and tastes.

Sleep, perfected.

Matt Sleeps 7x beste uit de test consumentenbond

Feel the difference.

  • 6 firmness options
  • 4 foam layers
  • Designed & developed in the Netherlands
matt sleeps matras zij aanzicht

Our promise.

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The innovative sleep experience

We researched, analysed and tested the best materials to revolutionize your sleep experience.

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Handcrafted in Europe

With an eye for detail, we design quality bedding products from durable materials, here in The Netherlands.

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Better price, better quality

No commercial chit chat, long queues or unrealistic delivery time. We cut the unecessary crap to sell Matt at a fair price.

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100% satisfaction guaranteed

Shipping is free and fast. We are happy to lend Matt during a 120 day period and to offer you a 10 year warranty.


happy customers

In the media

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''Matt Sleeps is selling the perfect mattress.''

''By taking a look at customers reviews, we can see that the company designed a mattress which adapts perfecy to everybody"

"The profit margins of the mattress market are unreasonably high."

"A very good mattress, for the right price."

"After extensive research, we now have Matt."

"The solution is to make a high-quality mattress affordable by delivering it exclusively online."

"Mission accomplished: I have found the perfect mattress."

"In terms of design, price, and service, Matt will offer a different experience."

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Chat with us

Our Dreamteam is ready to help you with your questions.

Start chat

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Frequently asked questions

We bundled most of the common questions for you.

Check our FAQ

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Give us a call

Our Dreamteam helps you to find the perfect mattress.

Call + 31 20 2615296

Payment methods

iDEALPayPalAMEXVisa MastercardiDEAL IN3 terms, 0% interestSprayPay (tot 36 maanden)